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Clear Quartz, Sphere 4cm

Clear Quartz, Sphere 4cm


Approximately 4cm diameter. Includes small wooden ring stand.


Clear quartz sphere. Fits perfectly in the palm of the hand to clear the mind and soothe the spirit. Ideal for study, meditation, for use as a fidget object or simply as a beautiful display. Read on below for more information on benefits and uses.



Fidget Tool: Clear quartz promotes physcial, mental and emotional peace which is why this crystal sphere makes for a perfect fidget tool. The soothing shape and weight fits neatly into the palm of the hand and staring into its clear sparkly depths brings a sense of tranquility.


School & Study: Clear quartz clarifies thoughts and increases focus, making this crystal sphere an ideal desk display for students, writers, teachers and anyone who works in an office environment. When struggling to solve a problem or clarify a thought, take a moment to stare into the depths of this sparkling crystal. You'll feel your straining mind relax and more often than not, ideas and solutions will present themselves with ease.


Meditation & Spiritual Work: Because of it's shape, a crystal sphere projects energy in all directions which is why it's been used as a powerful spiritual tool for centuries, most nortoriously for scrying (fortune telling). This is done by reaching a medtative state whilst staring deep into the crystal, allowing shapes to present themselves and then interpreting those shapes as clues to the future. However, crystal balls can be used in many helpful ways. One simple but power technique is to meditate with it nearby, in hand or placed on the body. This can deepen your meditative practice and promote healing, peace and clearer visualisation. 

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