Sodalite Donut Pendant, Vegan Suede Necklace
Large Sodalite Pendant on an adjustable Vegan Suede Necklace. Pendant appox 37~40mm in diameter, 7~10mm thick.
Benefits & Uses
◈Emotional Balance ◈Communication ◈Self Trust ◈Rational Thought ◈Steadiness ◈Calm
Sodalite is excellent for calming anxiety attacks and emotional outbursts. It encourages objective, rational thinking and the ability to speak one's truth whilst strengthening self-belief.
Spells: Calm & Sure, Fresh Start, Friendship & Happiness, Love Thyself, Study Focus.
Personal: Wear during times of stress or when clear communication is required such as during a presentation, performance or difficult conversation. Ideal for people who suffer from anxiety. Use during meditation to calm the spirit and open the throat chakra.